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Since its establishment, the College has built up a reputation for excellence, and in partnership with prestigious Universities, offers recognised degrees. A qualification from ABCEM will enhance career opportunities. ANNIE BESANT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT is one of the most successful colleges of higher education in the India. For over 20 years it has been enabling students to attain their academic potential. Thousands of students have successfully taken our programmes and.......
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Address :
Lucknow(Uttar Pradesh)

The National Policy of Education (NPE) 1986, emphasized that distance education is an important medium for the development and promotion of higher education. In this context, for the expansion and promotion of distance education the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE), Government of India took an important decision that in the VIIIth year plan every state should establish a state open university following the distance education pattern. On this basis Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open).......

Website :
Address :
Bhopal(Madhya Pradesh)
Venkateshwara Open University is an international seat of higher learning and non-profit foundation. The dreamer, our founder Chancellor, Sh. Sudhir Giri is a man of passion and commitment, he vowed to achieve something special in the field of higher education for the benefit of youth from poor financial background and unreached remote areas. Sh. Giri is a young dynamic entrepreneur who has been bestowed with prestigious awards namely R.N. Tagore Award in the year 2003 and UP Ratna Award.......
Website :
Address :
Itanagar(Arunachal Pradesh)
Jaypee Institute of Engineering and Technology, Guna was established in the year 2003 based on the MOU signed between Jaiprakash Sewa Sansthan (a not-for-profit trust sponsored by Rs. 15,000 Cr Jaypee Group) and the Government of Madhya Pradesh with an aim of becoming a Center of Excellence in Engineering and Technology. Based on our request to enable the Institute to become a State University, the Government of MP has, vide gazette extra ordinary no. 3 of 2010 dated 29th Arpril 2010 has.......
Website :
Address :
Guna(Madhya Pradesh)
In University, you would be constantly bumping into, interacting with and learning from students and faculty from more than a hundred countries, from a wide range of disciplines from philosophy to physics, from medicine to music. Join us and be a part of a leading global university which aims to equip and challenge our graduates to make a difference in a globalize world full of opportunities.
Website :
Address :
Hapur(Uttar Pradesh)
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